Food Security – A Cautionary Tale
On the unfortunate events of the past week… This past week, pig farmers across the Mid North Coast received some devastating news – our local abattoir, Eversons Food Processors at Frederickton, have decided to stop processing pigs. The icing on the cake – they gave us less than 24 hours’ notice of their final day….
Natural Second Trimester Survival Kit
Yep, I’m writing this post about my favourite things for a natural Second Trimester…. on my due date! Oops. Suffice to say, life has been pretty busy. But I still have loads of useful tips to help you through your second trimester, naturally. If you haven’t read my first Pregnancy Survival Kit post, or if…
Natural First Trimester Survival Kit
By Sarah 2 Comments
It’s all I can talk about, I know – this pregnancy and everything about it, including now the things that got me through a natural first trimester. What is a natural first trimester? Well, part of a natural pregnancy, of course! Which to me means a pregnancy that is as sustainable, organic, healthy, nurturing, and…
Power Blocking – Work, Play, Sleep
The last few weeks have been… How do I even begin to describe them? Chaos? A total blur? Filled to the brim? Exhausting. Because that has been the prevailing feeling, through all the blurry chaos and time-jamming. Above everything else, it has been exhausting. Safe to say, I haven’t done a very good job at…
Peach & Mango Frappe and a Giveaway!
So, I’m calling this a frappe instead of a smoothie, because really – there are just so many smoothie recipes out there (and who needs a recipe for a smoothie?!). We’re all about being different here. Or, you know, doing the same thing but just calling it something else so we feel better about it. You…
When Adults Bully Adults
Something happened in the last few days that really hit a nerve with me. First, Jacquelyn of LittleOwlCrunchyMomma wrote an awesome post back in 2012 about how she (doesn’t) wash her hair. Then, just a couple of days ago, Jacquelyn was interviewed on the topic of hair-washing for the Huffington Post. And then, the Today Show…
Mexican Mushroom Stacks
You know those days when you walk in the door much later than intended, you don’t have much in the house, and you don’t have much energy? We had one of those last week. Enter… the Mexican Mushroom Stack. A primal and grain-free dinner that is ready in less than 15 minutes, and is actually…