I am still just as in awe of Michael Pollan (and his book, ‘Cooked’) as I was when I first started listening to the book. Okay, I kind of knew going into it that I would love it. Michael Pollan is sensible. The book was about traditional foods and cooking methods. If ever there…
HHH Book Club – Book 1 thus far
I’ve already said this several times on the HHH Book Club facebook page – I am seriously, seriously loving Michael Pollan’s ‘Cooked’. As if I wasn’t going to though, right? (If this is the first you’re hearing about our book club, click here to find out all the details.) I’m just over halfway through; I’ve…
Peppermint White Hot Chocolate and ALL THE THINGS!
Wow. I just received my copy of Keeping it Real, by Jessica of Delicious Obsessions. And it is so, entirely, completely safe to say that I am very impressed. And hungry now. Thanks, Jessica! I want to cook all the things now! Mostly the Peppermint White Hot Chocolate (duh!), but also all the things. And,…
Announcing… The HHH Book Club!
That’s right – I’m starting up a book club! With a twist, because, you know… I can’t do anything the normal way. I’m going to be listening to my books, rather than reading them! And you can too. And then we’ll talk about them, discuss the things we liked/didn’t like, agreed/disagreed with, and everything else…