Food Security – A Cautionary Tale
On the unfortunate events of the past week… This past week, pig farmers across the Mid North Coast received some devastating news – our local abattoir, Eversons Food Processors at Frederickton, have decided to stop processing pigs. The icing on the cake – they gave us less than 24 hours’ notice of their final day….
Natural Second Trimester Survival Kit
Yep, I’m writing this post about my favourite things for a natural Second Trimester…. on my due date! Oops. Suffice to say, life has been pretty busy. But I still have loads of useful tips to help you through your second trimester, naturally. If you haven’t read my first Pregnancy Survival Kit post, or if…
Natural First Trimester Survival Kit
By Sarah 2 Comments
It’s all I can talk about, I know – this pregnancy and everything about it, including now the things that got me through a natural first trimester. What is a natural first trimester? Well, part of a natural pregnancy, of course! Which to me means a pregnancy that is as sustainable, organic, healthy, nurturing, and…
HHH Book Club – Final Thoughts on Cooked
I am still just as in awe of Michael Pollan (and his book, ‘Cooked’) as I was when I first started listening to the book. Okay, I kind of knew going into it that I would love it. Michael Pollan is sensible. The book was about traditional foods and cooking methods. If ever there…
Product Review: Eco Cocoon Kids Drink Bottle
You know when you find the perfect drink bottle? It seems like such a small thing, in the grand scheme of small and big things that make up life, but honestly… the perfect drink bottle is something worth searching for. Oh, but of course, you don’t have to search… I’ve found it for you! Thanks…
Coconut Slice, The Perfect Lunchbox Treat
I’ll keep this short and sweet, just like the recipe. This little treat has been the absolute winner of all the lunchbox foods I’ve cooked this year. Not just because Tyler loves it so much, or because it’s pretty benign as far as treats go. Although that’s true, I’m calling it the winner because it…
HHH Book Club – Book 1 thus far
I’ve already said this several times on the HHH Book Club facebook page – I am seriously, seriously loving Michael Pollan’s ‘Cooked’. As if I wasn’t going to though, right? (If this is the first you’re hearing about our book club, click here to find out all the details.) I’m just over halfway through; I’ve…